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# V. X+ ^0 d! U; C民事诉讼律师费惊人!教您省钱10大要诀: c X3 g" v# j9 l
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民事诉讼律师费高!教您省钱十大要诀% p8 K! J" c' s' y0 w$ c
在多年执业中,我们花在处理客户琐碎事务上的时间着实令人沮丧,我们更愿意花时间去分析案情,寻找法律对策,而不是没完没了的应对行政事务。当然,客户也开心不到哪里去,因为他们最终要为这些时间付账单。) ^3 n9 ]; S4 p6 X- z
7 S7 v5 i5 M% m* T; }雇佣合适的律师
) p1 h+ B/ K, _) O要知道,并非每个律师都是解决你当下问题的合适人选。卷入民事纠纷本来就已经非常昂贵,而一旦你和自己的律师搞起了纠纷,其成本不亚于再打一场官司。
% `, f9 n. Z; r+ s; A J/ G: |* j( h你需要一位怎样的律师呢?首先,你必须对他充满信心,你能够尊重并听取对他的建议,你和他要能够合得来,你对他的个人风格和执业方式都能够接受。
9 f* b( p8 B0 ?) F* `要在民事诉讼中获得成功,需要律师和客户的“团队合作”。孤军奋战,即使是顶级律师也难打胜仗。提问, 提问, 再提问
& V5 ^3 x9 L5 u3 w+ k& O, c9 X你要很明确的告诉你的律师,你需要的建议之一,就是如何节省律师费用。 你完全可以要求律师提供费用估算,如果可能的话,将费用预算写下来。让每一分律师费都物有所值
3 ^1 q& o4 c8 L7 y询问你的律师,是否可以让律师行中资历较浅的律师或是法律实习生参与处理你的案卷。学生和入门律师每小时费用要低很多。同时,因为有资深律师的督导,工作质量一样会得到保障。和律师协商
& u; h; `1 o- g; D# P; i5 p4 S* K和律师探讨你们之间的法律服务协议,看看能否找到降低费用的办法:
: h* k/ `4 [8 ]比如对某些特定的服务内容采取费用封顶,对常规事务采取统一收费;如果你雇佣律师为你办理多项业务,可要求获得大宗业务折扣;讨论可行的月付费方案,避免月费过高超出预算。如果你长年需要法律服务,也可以考虑签订一份法律服务总协议,每月支付固定费用。
# p. N) D2 M( K, n0 b. @! T/ B着眼经济结果, 而不是所谓的“原则道义”) h; Z e7 s% E! _
如果你认为打官司要依照“原则“,那么你可要当心了。作为诉讼的当事人,你的任务并不是要维护地球秩序,规范你的行业,也不是要约束你邻人的行为。在诉讼案件中,为 “原则”而战可能会让你付出高昂的经济代价,同时,对快速解决纠纷也毫无助益。在这个时候,要悉心听取律师建议,律师会告诉你如何在经济上争取最佳结果。考虑庭外调解
1 m/ M% ?1 g7 W w0 g( k要求你的律师用各种可能的办法争取庭外解决纠纷。替代性纠纷调解(简称ADR)逐渐成为处理案件的新方式,用较为省钱的办法获得公正的结果.。
9 k- s7 Q( C6 c0 z8 _# Y参与有法律效力的仲裁需要获得反方当事人的许可,而很多商务合同本身即包括这样的条款,要求合同双方发生纠纷后,参与具备法律约束力的仲裁。要求庭前和解
4 s0 m3 H5 N/ D; ~# J+ P; {在安省打官司,无论是原告还是被告,在案件开庭之前提出和解要求,都有可能获得不菲的经济回报。通常,和解提议并不会让你牺牲自己的立场。
) V' X( U2 n) ?: t要记住,提议和解至少会为你带来两大好处:首先,如果提议被接受,你可以避免开庭的诸多不确定,提前获得肯定的结果。 其次,如果提议未被接受而法庭宣判依然对你有利,对方需要支付你的开庭及律师费用。不要让律师满世界找你, C" E, Q: A5 i+ t
当律师给你写信或打电话时,要及时回复,并提供详尽的答复。在任何案件中,推迟通常意味着你要付更多的钱。不要把律师当做豪华秘书# F# a7 {' x+ z: C
你觉得你对于自己的案件有很好的想法,你认为你的主意能够打赢官司,至少也能提供些帮助。所以,你拿起电话,打给你的律师。你的律师也同意,你的观点的确比较靠谱,你提供的新信息也很合理。然后,你就开始滔滔不绝讲述所有的细节。45分钟过去了。想想吧,如果你的律师费是每小时300到400元,这一通电话有多昂贵?聪明的客户会先整理好思路,把想说的话写下来,当然能打字输入电脑最好,然后附带上所有的新证据,一起发给律师。这样做之后,很有可能律师花上不到10分钟就获得了全部的信息。而且你提供的书面证据都会被存档,为案件的推动提供方便。协助你的律师# d( ]! Z% f8 U4 \
你应该不停询问律师,你是不是可以为案件的推动做些什么。你能够帮忙的地方很多,比如收集信息,准备文件,如果客户能自己动手,就能省下不少费用。- Y, M$ m, M9 F0 [4 D* Y2 C' E; e
2 o- z# b' X" u+ h: I' m! o7 zTop 10 Ways to Save on Legal Fees
4 Z" ^2 L- }2 j9 M- T. J9 @6 @) a5 B: Y- Y" u
By Gary Hodder at Hodder Barristers
/ v( S* L$ l: B+ N ^http://www.torontolawyerlawfirm.com/top-10-legal-list.htm#1$ E8 F+ e4 K! U! `( J
We have observed over the years that the amount of time lawyers have to spend on files can be a source of frustration not only for clients (who have to pay for all that time) but also for lawyers, who would much rather spend their time applying analytical skills than coping with the administrative details of a client’s file.* g, k S* N/ @# A) R$ ]; u+ e
EFFICIENCY is the name of the game in keeping your legal bills down, way down.' I# B4 J8 b2 l$ S
1. HIRE THE RIGHT LAWYER8 K+ p/ k5 A, ~$ e" a* W
Keep in mind that not every lawyer is a good fit for you or your problem. It is expensive enough to have a dispute with the opposing party in your litigation without engaging in constant, and perhaps, equally expensive disputes with your own lawyer. Find a lawyer in whom you have confidence, whose advise you respect and with whom you get along, both at a personal and professional level. To succeed in litigation it is important that lawyer and client act together as a team. Without team work, even the highest-paid professionals cannot succeed.
* \+ S: D+ Y5 ]' M: T2. ASK ! ASK ! ASK !5 i& u7 G* o9 r4 P: o9 f3 H/ z2 X
You should make it clear to your lawyer that part of the advice you are paying him for is how to minimize your legal bill. You are not out of line in asking your lawyer to commit to fee estimates or fee quotations in writing, where applicable.
7 L9 T _' z- G0 i$ u! c9 Z3. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR LEGAL DOLLAR7 d; R" V: u }$ }! i3 X* B" n) z
Speak with your lawyer about whether or not junior solicitors or articling students (i.e. lawyers in training) can be used on your file. Such individuals are variably billed at much lower hourly rates, and if they are working under the supervision of experienced counsel, the file will not be compromised as a result.
( a) d/ D2 a" C) L9 R* i2 G4. NEGOTIATE WITH YOUR LAWYER./ _2 e3 v0 ^( e. J7 p* x" C
Explore with your lawyer terms of your retainer that will result in lower fees. Discuss the possibility of setting a ceiling on fees to be charged for certain tasks, block fees for routine matters, volume discounts if you have a lot of business, and payment options limiting the amount that you will have to pay in any given month. You should discuss the possibility of a general retainer agreement pursuant to which your legal needs would be serviced for a fixed monthly amount.
* P& e7 L7 M9 KBe careful about fighting a lawsuit based on principles. It is not your role, as litigant, either to police the world at large or your industry, or your neighborhood. In a lawsuit, fighting for principles can be extremely expensive and frequently not very productive. Listen carefully to your lawyer about how you can obtain the best economical result.
, ~- ~" D. W9 E- O% [% u6. EXPLORE ADR
. z4 e5 U8 v; L5 f; ?Require your lawyer to explore every possible way that your matter can be dealt with other than in a court of law. Alternative Dispute Resolution has emerged as an inexpensive route to a fair result. To participate in binding arbitration requires the agreement of the opposing party, while many commercial agreements require the parties to those agreements to submit to binding arbitration.- \. N' c+ W" N/ v
7. OFFER TO SETTLE! r- b+ J8 q2 ~3 F
In litigation in Ontario, whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant, you can achieve highly favorable cost consequences in your litigation by making an offer to settle early on. Frequently, these cost advantages do not require you greatly to compromise your position. Always remember that there are at least two reasons to make an offer to settle: (1) if it is accepted, you will obtain a certain result prior to the uncertainties and expenses of trial, and (2) if it is not accepted, to obtain favorable cost consequences.. ?8 B! Z# A* p( y5 m# e4 C5 p
' n. A# g/ M* I! S, g+ xWhen you lawyer writes or phones, respond promptly and thoroughly. In any law suit, delay usually means at least some extra expense.% p! @' p; E- q
You have a great idea for your file. You think that it will win your case, or at least help. So, you phone your lawyer. Your lawyer agrees that your idea is a good one or that your new information is indeed relevant. You start to provide all the details. Suppose this conversation has taken some 45 minutes and your lawyer is charging you something like two to three hundred dollars per hour. Consider how much smarter it would have been to sit down, organize your thoughts, and write out (typed, if possible) all the details your lawyer needs and send them to him with copies of all supporting documentation. Chances are your lawyer will obtain the full benefit of your information in one tenth of the time. The information that you have submitted can be placed in your file, as is, for future use and reference.8 i2 O* ?4 o% Z, W9 ^
5 a5 J5 m5 S' m G- |# G, V+ Y( SYou should constantly be asking your lawyer what things you can do to assist. Many tasks related to information gathering and sometimes even document preparation can be effectively and more cheaply performed by the client.( N5 S0 S5 D1 Q* A8 C3 ^! K
本文涉及词汇:民事诉讼, 律师费, 雇佣律师 |