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双相情感障碍 (过去称躁郁症)Bipolar Disorder(中英对照)









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454 金币
发表于 2011-10-18 22:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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双相情感障碍 (过去称躁郁症)Bipolar Disorder(中英对照)
& E* h5 `! ?5 h2 \/ U* L% ?关键词:双相情感障碍、情感、情绪、焦虑、躁狂、抑郁、心理治疗、心理辅导、bipolar disorder、mood、feeling、anxiety、mania、depression、psychotherapy、counseling
/ x. l# _7 L+ a  o
什麽是双向情感障碍?7 o3 b* e& i6 z
' g: ^8 u1 d3 O
6 @1 S' V* T, O. \5 S
, z0 B  ^, j' y4 U: O7 @3 y, l
& e4 Q: F  a  B: I( K& G) z$ V$ p, \

# L" K7 y" x; @6 f双相情感障碍的形成原因# a. [6 W4 x/ Q" [8 J
$ L7 w# B" `$ X* k6 A
2 M0 a) K3 z( q6 N1 I+ {4 n& Q" y+ _3 M% T5 m
4 y4 @, }  x4 ~0 J' B! w
- K7 P8 y# M0 q3 D, |8 j: l
9 ]! h3 |( Q, r$ j' n6 Y( a9 P% g6 o6 E; y0 N4 w' G
- `! X5 v1 ^  m, w
& U: D7 Q9 I" }# c
& I" w+ J4 U3 i" I0 C躁狂期的症状有:8 p. M) x, n( Q8 Q: i$ s0 W
- 情绪特别好3 K! W6 f8 H6 @: d8 r2 h7 {- S; d
- 精力旺盛或坐立不安
7 g* ^  \: P0 d; m- 太多的想法且思维太快# f" V0 q- ^  B. |4 N4 S/ G, j! S
- 话多且快(和以往比较)& B: n0 b5 A/ n9 v& P
- 对睡眠的需要减少且不敢疲乏# r7 O8 b9 w9 v: y- B
- 对事物的判断能力下降,且轻易采取6 c  D, k* b; O
行动。例如:花很多钱、危险驾驶、酗酒或吸毒、和人起冲突、愚蠢的财务决定等3 @5 c: }1 `0 j2 S) Q4 y
- 性欲增加
; u( S' S9 I6 r. ~' d7 _) y# d- 无法集中精力
" k& ?6 `% Q' D  ]- 过高地估计自己的能力。例如:相信自己是上帝或具有特殊的能力(比如能飞行)、比他人聪明等。
, j! o0 J5 P- l* R. k8 }0 h- 得意洋洋- _* Z, r( N+ \) [& q
' }/ {3 X. s8 n" ?' M
% }. O. ^# F  I; C

6 j% M& j% Z% T) F' d0 Z9 t5 L" `
2 o1 U5 ?; L" }, h4 n忧郁期的症状有:
8 ]; h# Z& N$ c4 u- \2 ^) Z+ ~
9 W( H0 A! g" W% [- 感觉很悲哀或者没有缘由地哭泣$ G5 b6 [0 |, x" H# y8 ~! |* q& S* Y
- 感觉绝望和空虚3 P: i4 S' @: S4 s4 k' c
- 感觉内疚或自身没有价值5 ~1 d0 E: R. w9 D! p3 ~
- 对过去喜欢做的事情失去兴趣或不能$ O" R9 N+ R- J! B5 O* ?
! o6 a* [0 c: W( i; P/ D9 V) z- 精力下降或感到疲倦
# W# ?' T& E* M! a; C0 d- 思考问题能力下降或记忆力下降
% l# _, [% V( z: A( Q0 J8 ?- 睡眠过多或过少$ z4 o* V9 g" K: r  J
- 食欲下降或增加
  `& n. p/ C  F5 d& r1 R- 自杀的念头! p6 {, X# Y1 L
% w; Q- e, v2 U& n# s% ]5 D' Q
3 J5 J4 m6 M# L) R2 v; \# [

' P" f+ b" s) O+ p3 ?5 l: _9 x
, K1 u% k" `* a1 J9 q双相情感障碍的治疗$ Y' @3 R1 }1 v' |& W1 q

: Z/ U) J' ?/ ~. s8 M) X9 s1 c双相情感障碍一旦确诊对治疗的反应良好。由于双相情感障碍的症状会循环出现,需要坚持长期持续的治疗。心理治疗和药物治疗的结合效果会更好。有时为了取得更好的效果,治疗计划也许不断修正。来自家人、朋友和自助小组的支持也很有帮助。4 c: u; m! d4 I& K$ e& ?
# U" y5 x$ }" M5 u

! _4 T! r& v" }2 E0 E8 M
, `$ Q  i# C: \2 ]* j% r* N- Y/ M2 z4 ~; u6 H5 w2 K/ d
0 G( }# J( z' ~. g5 a. j( F
4 R& O+ ]  e7 j- k# M! S

# y2 J7 d6 G1 `
) `* @" a3 K' \% D: d( @
* B3 O5 U  U: C2 ~1 l
5 |% U' x4 H$ B; B; Y6 ~9 _8 n
; [  P7 E4 o! C# q+ v6 _  B: |) }; R8 W
# C* d" e; J; A" v5 }* T+ r: X1 ^6 F. W7 n5 c8 ^0 ]; P9 ^1 k
5 T, ]- O" N* K

; S* Z! z8 g5 W* ?4 ^2 ]: RWhat is Bipolar Disorder?! [% E4 P/ Y# D5 @9 N

. A4 F) G  c: D6 h, mBipolar Disorder is a mood disorder. A person with Bipolar Disorder has extreme "highs" and "lows" in mood. It is different from the normal ups and downs that everybody goes through. Severe types of this illness can cause problems at home, work, school or social life…it may even result in suicide.
' w7 ]: H1 ^' o
2 i5 D, g+ W; n$ c7 B% G0 j
4 _2 r, M; Y1 Y) V# V' kWhat causes Bipolar Disorder?
: e! G  i( D% A8 o; ~2 H6 f% A! k5 T/ U
There is no one reason why someone develops Bipolar Disorder. Family history and brain chemistry play a big role in producing the illness. One's personality and stress can bring on the illness.+ |6 m$ u& U/ p+ J- I! L
5 z8 [6 `6 j* R/ o; B' N
' u% D6 [* \0 b3 b
Signs and Symptoms
# \. _+ C5 N& O' ?
! ?: V+ i  k+ B) Z# r3 a1 kA person with Bipolar disorder has extreme changes in mood, such as overly "high" (Mania) and overly "low" (Depression). Some people have periods of normal mood in between. Periods of Mania may last several days to months. Periods of Depression may last several weeks to months. These symptoms are a change from the person's normal
" A7 I1 U; [# ~behaviour.
) k0 m" J' \! X6 q2 t2 l; B' W% N% L. }* m/ g* N" o
Symptoms of Mania may include:
3 R+ e% a7 h: y1 \  R2 a: M; m1 Z· Very good mood+ y& }% r; o" ]. ~- [1 B
· Increased energy and restlessness
& y2 D) d% E' w, w2 e' u5 v) j- U· Too many ideas too fast
3 R( X2 g3 f5 v4 M+ l. N- {+ `· Talking more than usual or very quickly6 S7 j2 g$ }+ Q5 N8 Q5 S/ C* V$ {
· Less need for sleep, without feeling tired
# k2 g) I! ]4 t; S3 d· Poor judgment and acting without# F! A& x9 _6 y# K% R
thinking. For example, spending a lot of
7 b! q$ ~7 Q1 G" ?' C2 X! i. |# a$ Smoney, careless driving, increased use
4 X/ ?" Q% H5 Mof alcohol or drugs, getting into fights,
9 Q6 Z- V  _7 ^  R6 X) N, zfoolish financial decisions, etc.; F, u" l7 k& P
· Increased sex drive- Y8 X! d, [, ?* x$ ~/ a
· Unable to focus% q% C# `+ f3 U! {
· Exaggerated beliefs in one's abilities.) P+ i( d5 Z% ^. W2 L/ g; o" G
For example, believing he/she is god or has special powers (such as being able to fly), thinking he/she is smarter than others, etc.3 I" e$ k( l: r: c) C# E1 |  j" ]
· Feeling "on top of the world"( `3 `% h, c3 G8 t

& `  u% y0 T! Z, F3 v% y6 G8 G% k* M/ S- W" q, k" o% J# A" Z, L
Symptoms of Depression may include:
- d# O6 f, @/ a; _6 W) m  V
/ ^$ |- A) R. s" s• Feeling sad crying for no obvious reason# _7 q( S' j- `; m2 J9 p  h! e
• Feeling hopeless and empty
. w+ j/ D  A% d$ {3 y8 m. @! w• Feelings of guilty or worthless5 N9 H) r% K. \" s  c# W: Q. u
• Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
3 L  Z9 h2 I1 F5 I" z! x' h• Low energy or feeling tired1 g, Z" m0 q3 Z; T
• Difficulty thinking or remembering things, ~" e; I! U4 A# r: E7 L* \$ G* ^
• Sleeping too much or too little
+ f' {- j( @, Q" [' L( a3 J• Eating less or more than usual
- T0 h& z, G' J: f0 U• Thoughts of suicide
) z% g( l% K; L2 E
( _1 a6 Q8 L6 `- D( j( P) N1 X# }5 A* S2 U1 H/ `
What are the treatments?) J! L  j& U+ a8 T5 O

! }$ X+ i4 k7 g/ f  a; \* XBipolar disorder responds well to treatment once the illness has been diagnosed. Since the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder will keep coming back, ongoing treatment is needed. A combination of medication and psychosocial treatment (such as stress management) is best for managing the illness over time. Sometimes changes to the treatment plan may be needed to manage the illness effectively. Support from family, friends and self help groups can also be very helpful.8 A! W7 z* k/ y2 b; N2 s' D

6 X3 d/ ?/ z8 a. J# y5 w3 S% Y/ c. \/ z8 Y
7 u5 y, Q& n5 n. y0 |! e
: q3 c. a: t% M  T
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