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! B- }2 K, Z! h2 t5 \9 R我们目前提供3年固定房屋贷款利率2.5%, 5年固定低至2.89%,其中的细节规定和大银行一样,没有特别条件。可以提前部分还款(每年总贷款15%,付双月供,月供加15%),可以转移。Investors Group拥有80多年的历史,无论在理财计划和贷款计划方面,越来越多的客户享受着其具有竞争性的贷款利率和便捷周到的服务 Currently, we offer 3 years fixed 2.5%, 5 years fixed 2.99%( This is not open to public, but I can help you get approved by this), which is very competitive and with 87 years history, and all the rules and condition is assame as big banks, you are able to pre pay the mortgage by 15%.Double up on payments, increase payments by 15% and the mortgage istransferrable. IG does not have restrictive mortgages. More and moreclients are enjoy the competitive mortgage and convenient service with IG.
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