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本帖最后由 garfield 于 2011-4-10 09:27 编辑
+ V1 D4 j+ O9 m  h3 H" i1 B# j6 c5 c! t- |* C9 P


7 {! k8 t1 h" l( ~2 B

Extending(renew) your Study Permit Within Canada


Your Study Permit is your most important document issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. It is important to ensure that your Study Permit does not expire. Check the expiry date on your permit, and make sure you renew or “Change the Conditions” of your Study Permit at least 60-90 days before the expiry date. You must apply for a renewal or change of conditions from within Canada. 1 f, L5 l. m- X2 G  a

, G8 g! s: G5 T学习签证对于一个留学生来说是非常重要的,而所有的学习签证都是由加拿大公民及移民部签发的。所以确定你的学习签证没有过期是非常非常重要的,除非你不打算继续在加拿大读书。一般申请的资料要在签证到期前的60-90天提交,不然就有可能赶不及在你旧的签证到期前收到新的签证。(加拿大人的工作效率真的不敢恭维啊。。)注意,你一定要在加拿大申请这些签证!
9 d4 [7 x( G) c" t) I: @. t
$ f7 ~' m* N3 h; G( a. s& sDO NOT LET YOUR STUDY PERMIT EXPIRE.

千万不要让你的学习签证过期。。这不是废话么。。继续继续~  6 o- E/ n$ J& F- W& \! p6 A4 H

# a1 }7 ]8 e6 R+ `0 q* W7 IApplication forms and guidelines for Extending your Study Permit can be downloaded from the CIC website, please click here. 9 o! T  G) `# z4 x4 b* G& h
/ b+ S6 M1 t$ C# e

( h6 r1 {8 N' a, t! A5 v
Before completing the application, students should review the

CIC Application Guide for Applying to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada - Students. Applications can be submitted by:

/ |& @# x  m0 G) n" |
在完成申请表格之前,学生应该先看看 CIC(加拿大公民及移民部)给打算继续留着加拿大的学生的指引。申请可以用以下两种方法提交:

+ C) f5 Z5 Y% ?
A)Applying online through CIC's website. Students are required to create a MyCIC account, fill out an electronic application form, pay the application fee of $125 and upload the supporting documents which are listed below. % O6 W, P: p$ g+ A( g

* u1 \& V7 |3 i* }A)在 CIC(加拿大公民及移民部)的网站在线申请。学生需要先创建一个MYCIC 帐号,填写在线申请表格,然后支付$125加元申请费,再上传以下列出的资料就大功告成了。
6 c3 _0 |' S5 q6 Q+ Q$ {
3 q2 ^% e$ p' L! a( }B) Submitting application by mail:' _5 P3 K7 q- ]" g3 k
3 J0 T( {; S: Q+ ]/ D
B)邮寄申请: ) p7 O: A* |9 X' l" K4 S) K; r
1 @4 V3 v+ ~$ |
1. Complete an "Application to Change Terms and Conditions or Extend My Stay in Canada" form [IMM 1249].   u  T: M) d- Z) P8 [5 J: K

5 M% C# f) [6 O/ t( a: K1 a1.填写申请表格“在加拿大的学习签证续签申请表”【IMM 1249】(这个是申请表的编号)
/ a3 R8 u& r+ q) o1 F/ T/ b# e$ G( ~: A  G7 f- J% s
2. Request an official status letter through the Registrars Office for $7.00.
2 ]/ r7 |* _% F! ]9 A, r4 s$ ~& b3 |$ a6 \$ M6 ?. P3 W
2.要求一份你在官方已经注册的证明(这个可以是你注册之后收到的收据还有类似于入学许可证的) 1 A8 V- T! R) ]* |1 X

& B/ K3 U- n9 H3. Pay the application fee of $125. Payment can be made at a financial institution using the original receipt form (IMM5401) available or online through CIC's website.
: y( F1 G; |3 x, F+ v2 l( t1 Q% r& L6 k0 x$ F- }" m2 V9 V
3.支付申请费$125加元。大家可以在CIC(加拿大公民及移民部)的网站申请一张Fee Receipt(需要两个星期邮寄到你那里),或者到CIC(加拿大公民及移民部)的办事处拿一张Fee Receipt,然后到银行付钱。再或者你可以在线支付。 在线支付和网站申请邮寄请点击这里
' S* r8 j+ J; A# s; d
# I. ~' H# z- u& M4. Gather supporting documents as per the document checklist [IMM 5555]. These documents include (but not limited to) a photocopy of your current study permit, photocopies of your passport pages, proof of financial support, photocopies of your transcripts, any other documents that pertain to your situation.
* b+ E  P8 R; z. N$ f! [& w7 _
" r% y0 a. ~$ ?9 o% d, {( w4.大家可以通过资料核对表整理需要的资料【IMM 5555】。这些资料包括(但不限于)一份现在学习签证的复印件,护照的复印件(有照片的那一页,以及最近一次进入加拿大时,海关盖了章的每一页),银行存款证明,成绩的复印件,和其他根据你实际情况需要的资料。
7 k* D/ Z7 }* \3 B9 s# D: q! G, i4 _3 x6 Q" r  B( Z
5. After making yourself a photocopy for your records, mail your completed package via traceable courier/registered mail to


Citizenship and Immigration - Study Permit
- z2 X" v  t2 z* u% ~Case Processing Centre
" b& `/ G" _3 M! X6212 - 55th Avenue, Unit 1019 R! Z) `) D# x3 _1 J' s
Vegreville, AB

8 q& H2 q' v; o- \& u& o: u* KT9C 1X5
' a% l# e9 W0 t. J
5 S5 X( @" H7 V. E, @; \: Z& D6 V2 E! W0 d: v  _4 Y
# Q. ]* a% F2 E! \! m1 b
Important Notes:7 p/ J' c! T3 K# Z$ k, z% g1 _5 Z

; }) N* X5 C4 o$ D! f' {重要信息:

) b! [' N% L& v0 @; u7 s# X; m8 [  wBefore applying to renew your Study Permit, you should ensure that your passport is valid until the end of your study period. If you need to obtain a new passport, we recommend that you begin this process at least four months before your current passport expires.


If your Study Permit has expired, and you have not yet applied for an extension or change of conditions, please visit the International Student Center immediately. 5 `" n9 M/ G2 |
$ L% m1 g, s3 t) n7 W- r0 j
如果你的学习签证已经到期,可是你还没有申请新的签证,请立刻联系国际学生中心。 6 r' M$ e2 ~' ?
" N" ~+ p+ R4 [- X+ y( I- x/ |

Students can submit study permit and work permit (co-op, off-campus) through one application.


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