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- 获赠鲜花
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- 2010-11-25
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回复 1# 红茶 ) n7 b, O$ f/ d
1 ]- \0 m5 O: h' f8 u- E
z/ `% l, y7 ]8 u1 S7 a
能理解你,我去年9月份也被邻居家的狗给咬了,而且出了很多血,是一条德国狼狗。站起来比我都高。8 D# y# O) q. W. {1 } Z4 J$ J; k
7 Q* ~7 ~; Z! N" K' ~
在加拿大,没事发生的时候,是很安全平和,可有事情的时候,就会发现这里没有你想象的安全,人也没你想象的善良。别说是白人,中国人也一样。9 k0 |* m& p, Z( X
$ o' ~; ^5 V( R4 r我被咬的时候,狗是冲过来的,那个速度,我只在动物世界里见过,我家放在草地里的花园灯都被冲断了。对面的邻居看着狗咬了我。当时我还不知道有出血,就是知道裤子破了,回家里换裤子的时候,裤子是湿的,手一摸全是血和狗的唾液。当时我就慌了,想不到别的就要去报警去医院。20分钟之内我和邻居去了医院,医生和护士告诉我一定要报警。医院报告了public health,他们告诉我说,狗的免疫记录完全,而且在加拿大已经有40多年没有发现狂犬病,所以大致是安全的。但他们还是要观察狗10天。因为如果狗是因为发病而咬人,10天之内肯定会死(public health 通常会给你一个case number)。如果最后确定是狂犬病,再打也不迟。而且打血清不是我们想象的一针就可以,要打好几针,非常非常疼。而且那个白人护士把狗主说的。。非常尴尬,还告诉我,你为他考虑很多,它是只为自己考虑的。。所以白人也不都是坏的。我想大家都是中国人,而且狗主一直说报警狗就会被杀掉,我就没有报警。从医院出来的时候他们去买了处方药。事后想想这样做是不妥当的。如果报警狗被杀掉,那说明他有病,应该被杀。那是对整个社区都负责任的做法。; ]- h) U3 F/ c9 y+ Q, E
' ]: C8 {9 g5 G5 G0 }
2 G$ k3 F5 s2 Z# y: r( u, c3 E
/ ?$ T* f* J/ J3 `, ^' u 在没有选泽的情况下,我找了律师。
% {/ P, P/ T0 ]4 b( z3 B K 找律师的想法也是本着备案的原则,我的想法是有个法律条文书面证据作约束,万一10几年我因为这个病死了,对孩子有个保障。但律师告诉我,他们不能做无用功。他们一定要求赔偿。这种不是很严重的伤害,属于小额法庭,律师费是赔偿金额的25%(如果没记错的话,加上其它杂费,税可能有30%多,这笔钱并不是房主出,如果有房屋保险,是保险公司出)。 这不是最痛苦的地方,我要每30天去看家庭医生(我现在伤口那儿是很大的一个伤疤,律师问我会不会去游泳,习惯穿多长的泳衣),虽是小伤,但可能需要整形,需要看心理医生(狗咬完我,就冲我另一个孩子冲过去了。我家孩子很喜欢狗,可发生这件事以后,每次回家都不敢开车门,一定要没有狗才下车,而且我们都失眠)。。。这些费用全部要打在赔偿金额里,我们想想就算了。切菜都能割伤手呢,心理可以有个慢慢调试的过程。一切都会好的。如果真地要了赔偿,房主的房屋保险以后肯定要涨的。
) _& n5 q8 i2 o1 F3 M4 c# K2 b5 ^) m, `6 Q! g
案件的过程通常跟伤势的复原过程有关,短的要一年多,长的可能一辈子。 ! v& \ ]* O$ R) I
+ L v3 r4 M+ I9 X" d) l
所以,真的被狗咬,如果不出血,就算了,因为后续的事情烦都能烦死你。。如果出血,一定要去医院,最好狗主一起去,否则,要有它的电话,住址,狗的免疫纪录。这些医院和public health一定要问的。如果要赔偿,直接找律师,这也是我去警察局,他们给我的建议。3 u! z& Q: T) [
" r# O$ r1 S/ U! s! D- Q% W% V
9 d2 A } q' G- k" A3 [& l
, [3 O& E4 o* W1 L. q B( m- z7 P2 T! {+ ?Your Rights If You Are Attacked
; X1 V7 O$ v% U1 Y+ LLaws governing dog attacks are different in each province. Typically provinces recognize a common law cause of action, creating liability for owners who know their dogs are dangers. Many provinces also have passed dog bite statutes that can create liabiity in most dog bite cases, with limited defenses available to dog owners. It doesn't matter if the dog has never bitten another person and dog owners can be liable the very first time their dog bites somebody.$ I9 o$ b8 H: ?' I) i
* z. H6 Q* Z- S$ `' L8 u QPeople may be injured by dogs without being bitten. For example, dogs can cause injury with their claws, can knock people over, and can upset bicycles. If injured, these people may also have the right to recover damages from a dog owner.' T% [& M4 X* H0 B2 x1 x* x! m
) I4 Y) n$ t; V/ A7 H6 o
If You or Your Child are Bitten by a Dog:4 G/ D* s! V2 {; l( w
•Try to identify the dog. If the dog may have rabies, it is important to receive appropriate vaccines.
$ g9 a ^" C% ~$ Y4 z6 Y8 k4 b* i p$ e3 _& V+ ]5 c! m
•Don't argue with the dog owner. Many dog owners simply won't believe that their dog would bite at all, or if not severely provoked. Arguing doesn't do any good.) O/ M' Q$ p6 `' |% R. X* i5 [
% @0 }0 S4 M9 H
•Don't sign papers or make recorded statements. It is possible that the dog owner, property owner, or their insurance company will try to get you to make a statement, in writing or on tape, about what happened. Their goal is probably to get you to make statements which help them avoid their liability for your injuries. If they approach you, you should consider having a lawyer assist you.6 R# M7 o2 Z4 A r4 S/ A
! k6 \* W( A+ t: K& t
•Make a report of the incident to the police. The police will investigate the circumstances of the dog bite, and will make a report which may help establish what happened.
$ s! F1 N# e$ D4 M& L8 l/ `! v6 N: O2 V0 K# R* T4 E% c# ?
•Seek medical care. Dog bites can involve puncture wounds from fangs, which can easily become infected. Infection can occur even with scrapes and abrasions. An infected wound can result in a worse scar, and may also cause serious complications and side effects. Also, if you wait to get treatment it may not be possible to suture your wounds, increasing the severity of scarring and possibility complicating your recovery.5 B# O z1 Z5 A6 c
8 o* Z; J5 e" f$ e2 D7 e•Consider Consulting a Lawyer. A lawyer can help you get the compensation you are entitled to receive for your financial losses as well as for your pain and suffering. Even if an insurance company offers to write you a check, it can help to have a lawyer review the proposed settlement. Insurance companies are notorious for making low settlement offers to unrepresented individuals. An attorney should be able to identify and preserve evidence about the dog attack, to negotiate with the insurance company, to identify any additional people beyond the dog's owner who may also be liable for damages, and to take any additional steps necessary to obtain a fair outcome.' H7 p ?. J' F& [. W' @; B: P
# e6 L% j9 ?6 z+ G% U, JDog Safety Tips & P: b4 {( e1 \; Y) T/ D2 k) Z5 h
Protecting Yourself
) W D& Y, i- E% X# G2 P; {4 MPerhaps the most important thing to remember when encountering a dog is that there is no such thing as a dog that does not bite. Also, it is possible to be injured by a dog in ways other than through a bite injury.
- X9 n. I) A) v9 C% {( _. D1 ]* M2 `- P8 I
Situation' k- R8 X# {* }% s
Tips and Suggestions
) M3 g1 r6 ` s, P- U: [0 U0 J, k9 g& g0 p5 j5 F
General Safety Even when you know a dog, it is important to follow basic principles of safety:
0 w9 X% T/ r& Q9 R$ V9 C. R/ i$ y
•Ask the owner's permission before you try to touch or pet the dog.
0 T; r- V4 z" y•Do not suddenly approach a dog, particularly when you are in its territory. 8 }0 u* d4 j* c3 y4 F
•After getting the owner's permission, extend the back of your hand to the dog and allow the dog to sniff you before you try to touch or pet it. (Remember - the back of your hand, not your fingers.) 9 X) j3 m. j! H1 \9 _* `! K7 k# {
•Do not try to touch a dog that is eating.
& W3 I: x8 L0 ] V( O$ ?8 Z2 m•Do not touch or pet a dog that is resting or sleeping -- the dog should be aware of your approach. ("Let sleeping dogs lie.") 4 J- b( J% @ i
•Be very careful around a mother dog that has puppies. This is particularly true if the mother is nursing. 0 c% b$ S( n! u Q1 }& u% L2 i: {
•Exercise extra care in small or enclosed areas, where a dog may feel cornered. : |5 g C, ~6 \, J6 |
•Avoid getting the dog very excited, or engaging in excessively rough play. The dog's instincts may overpower its self-control. 8 Z$ h& l7 t& z6 g$ h1 a
•Do not stare a strange or threatening dog in the eyes.
" m. w+ {3 H# i. f6 U•If you suspect that a dog is abused or neglected, respect that the dog may be dangerous. + Q0 B9 ^5 O) j0 ~
•Never leave a baby or toddler alone with a dog. As mentioned above, some experts contend that no child under the age of ten should be left alone with a dog.
i- A1 u( Z2 b4 y- {! r% D$ Z2 f9 v; e9 t5 o9 I, i% `
Dogs you don't know Sometimes you can get a sense for a dog's temperment even though you don't know it. If you suspect that a dog may be vicious, respond accordingly.; ]/ W" q4 ~; j3 Z2 E
2 M- t. R! j2 T x* Q# U# R
However, even when you think a dog is friendly, in addition to the general safety rules outlined above, if you must approach a strange dog try to test how the dog will react. For example, if you are getting a ball or toy from a yard where a dog is present, get the dog's attention while you are safely on the other side of a fence to see how it responds.
2 R) ~$ `/ k; i8 ]& B
6 [: D: v$ M' g5 h8 FDon't back away from a strange dog - it may think that you are playing.
% Y1 W; z( V( n6 g/ x' [4 F$ E9 D+ g# T: S3 j
Special Circumstances Riding a Bicycle -- You are not just at risk of being bitten, but you also have a significant chance of being injured if you hit a dog as it runs in front of your bicycle. It is best to try to keep distance between yourself and any dogs.2 N. s; M! O3 i. x+ y0 e1 t- t
y( w7 n3 _) iJogging, Running, and Rollerblading -- if you are engaged in a sport where you attract a dog's attention through your rapid movement, you should try to keep a safe distance from dogs. That includes dogs which are on leashes. If you are approached by an unrestrained dog (no chain or leash), don't try to outrun it -- it is probably faster than you. Instead, stay still until it loses interest in you.
6 s, I" _: _, W- n
/ i$ T; ?: x$ F2 J
; u' @6 B ]/ E# t' s8 Z9 E: _Protecting Children: T/ z: _2 t; p2 n
In addition to the points raised above, it is important to take steps to educate children about how to behave around dogs, and to provide appropriate supervision for young children when dogs are present. Some experts suggest that children under the age of ten should never be left alone with a dog, as they may not behave appropriately around the dog, and they may be too small to defend themselves against an attack from even a small dog. Also, dogs may be confused by the movements and behavior of young children and mistake them for prey.& v, ]7 N/ l5 @, o9 r; O$ U
" \7 l \& B6 a' x; n6 q
Dog Safety Rules for Children
; { Q! g6 r6 U" r8 |5 vIn addition to the general safety rules that are outlined above, which apply to both children and adults, children should be educated as to the following:5 O) p( b/ g* L' H: ?4 ~6 }
8 r- g7 @6 H7 x5 b" D•Not every dog that wags its tail is friendly. + `( X5 @7 Y" U4 `7 O
•Never approach or play with a dog unless and adult is present. 0 S& h4 `2 X% s0 D: J- k; G' _
•Never approach a stray dog, or a dog you do not know.
& E0 i, N4 K* T3 _; K9 {- e•Get permission from the dog owner before approaching a dog. (When you approach the dog, it is a good idea for the owner to be present.)
7 X* H1 ]- z0 m0 `' j( J* C•Remain calm and still when a dog approaches you. / E' h6 y7 z+ T4 H: e& L7 R
•Do not tease dogs. 3 q k9 E! G7 A
•Do not make loud noises around a dog. 5 _. n; ^, G5 Y9 Y! t& {
•Do not stare into a dogs eyes. Avoid making direct eye contact.
% {( ^: u) m* q @$ D) m7 H3 c) V•Do not try to help an injured dog. Get a grown-up to help. , y0 @9 j h! i% N7 V
•Don't put your hand between two dogs.
% D* E; n7 C' @. Y•If a dog is behind a fence, don't reach through the fence. 7 T% Q+ R- v* C# e+ N9 J4 ^
•Keep your face away from dogs.
9 e: u( m9 q! N•Don't back away from a dog - it may think that you are playing. - ]" |9 q+ B# f% l0 x' h
If a dog seems scary:: If you are scared by a dog, do not run away, scream, or shout.
& p/ X1 K, V6 l* J/ N" g$ E0 _: w `2 K/ P: a3 K# _; X
•If a dog knocks you over, stay on the ground, and stay completely still.
) k- v" E1 m: e3 @4 J1 \1 w( o•Protect your head, face, neck and arms.
# I" I3 e( n; z5 j! k; x•Tell a grown-up about the dog. + G( T6 I3 m$ t: l4 ^
If a dog bites:: Try to give the dog something else to bite or chew, such as a backpack or jacket. $ S) O; a; |+ r( q7 h: \. N* J9 t
- _, ^2 p3 e+ P% L$ b1 f1 r" A/ s$ y
•Protect your head and face.
4 s, I! ~4 ?5 l. L& m+ W3 }•Tell a grown-up right away # O' Q" C. s( y6 h# d3 h+ l
3 w! B. Z7 l P9 C) H+ M以上是一些英文的资料,大家可以看一看既然移民来了加拿大,那么就尽可能的按照本地的规矩和思维方式来处理问题,不要把原居地的习惯带到这里来!!!!!!!!
; w: U( G* Q- E2 L7 P9 r9 r遇事发生,如果不知道如何处理,一定要先询问有经验的人,别自作主张去处理,事后又后悔。- X9 P: ]# q) G$ L% F
0 y1 A' k3 {, R" N像碰到被狗咬之类的事,无论大小,一定要立刻报警。严重的马上打911。这里任何的事情,包括上法庭打官司,都是凭书面记录说话,记录越多越有利。咱中国人对于书面文件的不重视经常在处理事故时会吃亏,吃亏后又采取吵闹的方式,只能导致进一步的吃亏。 |