0 J- c7 N9 ]7 x“在5月22日至5月23日之间,加拿大联想公司的网站上部分笔记本电脑出现了价格错误,出现此错误的原因是系统将电子折扣券(a “doorbuster” e-coupon)与即时折扣率重复使用,在计算折扣比率是自动生成了错误的价格。 联想公司发现错误后采取了措施修正了错误,目前联想加拿大官网上已经显示出正确的价格。在我们修改错误之前,已经有顾客用错误的价格下了订单。像其它电脑生产商一样,联想加拿大的网站上也有这样的条款,联想有权取消就错误价格所下的订单,顾客在购买联想产品之前都同意了这一条款。我们已经就此价格错误通知了受影响的顾客,并正在取消他们的订单,对于为此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。
( l G6 G, _- w$ O, j/ H( p为了表达联想加拿大的诚意,从5月28日起,联想加拿大会与订单被取消的顾客联络,承诺在在他们新的购买联想笔记本电脑行动中向他们提供100元优惠,这个100元可以用到总的消费金额中,无论有没有其他折扣,有效期至今年8月3日。 以下是联想加拿大回复媒体的英文原本: $ V4 M3 C) c. l) l* n7 Q0 I" d
“Between May 22 and May 23, 2014, a pricing error occurred on the Lenovo Canada website for select Lenovo laptops. The error mistakenly allowed a “doorbuster” e-coupon to be combined with an instant savings discount price. As a result, prices and the automatically generated calculation of discount percentages and savings appeared in error. Once the error was discovered, Lenovo took steps to correct it. The prices on the Lenovo Canada website now reflect the correct price and price reduction. However, before we were able to correct the error, customers placed orders at the incorrect prices. As stated on our website and in the terms and conditions which customers agree to when purchasing a Lenovo product, Lenovo–like other computer manufacturers–reserves the right to cancel any orders for products placed at an incorrect price due to an error in pricing. We have informed the affected customers of the pricing error and we are in the process of cancelling their orders and any charges that occurred. We deeply regret any inconvenience this error has caused. As a gesture of goodwill, starting May 28th, we will be contacting customers whose orders were canceled with an offer of $100 off their next purchase of a Lenovo laptop PC. This $100 can be deducted from the total order amount regardless of any discounts already applied to that order through August 3, 2014.” |