本帖最后由 妙音 于 2011-12-13 18:13 编辑
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2 }: Z4 i) p; i1 J加拿大无量光净宗学会将于贰零壹壹年十二月十七日星期六至十八日星期日于多伦多 Seneca学院宿舍及会议中心(1760 Finch Ave. E. /404) 举行两天一夜廾四小时念佛。每天上午五时半开始读诵《无量寿经》后念佛、绕佛廾四小时佛号不断(晚上个别自愿参加);至十二月十八日星期天晚上大回向后圆满结束。十七日晚七时可个人选择读诵《地藏菩萨本愿经》。参加者要穿海青,白袜及来电报名。本会免费供应素膳及往宿。入住者及场地布置工作人员请于十二月十六日星期五下午四时后到Seneca报到。NOTICE( {% {, ^4 M2 Q" D3 [9 x
The December Fo2 Chanting Session will be held Saturday, December 17 to Sunday, December 18, 2011 at Seneca College Residence & Conference Centre (1760 Finch Ave. E., Toronto & 404). Daily session begins from 5:30 am by chanting the “Infinite Life Sutra” to be followed by chanting “Amitabha” non-stop (voluntary participation at night) until Sunday, December 18. Attendees must wear ‘haiqing’, white socks and rsvp to arrange for free room and veggie meals. Volunteers and residents please come to Seneca on Friday December 16 after 4 pm for setting up and check-in. 05:30 “Infinite Life Sutra” 08:30 “Gathering at the Lotus Pond” and Amitabha Chanting 19:00 - 20:30 - “Earth Treasure Sutra” Chanting (Dec. 17 only - elective) 查询Contact: Kathy黄416-699-3372/Fred潘 416-893-3366 Link地图连接:
, C+ Q9 E+ O. Z" |http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=1760+finch+ave+east+toronto&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89d4d31b72bdedc1:0xa89487428e633c1f,1760+Finch+Ave+E,+Toronto,+ON+M2J+5G3&gl=ca&ei=B9TmTu-3DsnF0AHlz8DdCQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA |